Saturday, June 22, 2019

Health Promotion throughout the lifespan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Promotion throughout the lifespan - Essay fashion modelAccording to Erikson (1956), a contributing factor to my future psychological wellness is my state of being now as a young adult, and the outcome of my social occasion vs. isolation crisis (Bee, Boyd, & Johnson, 2006). My resolution of this crisis forget enable me to work through my changing social roles in the Middle Adulthood lifestage, and my social support network will help me to adapt to slight cognitive, personality, and physical changes also occurring during this period. This paper aims to identify lifespan factors that would contribute to economic crisis and social isolation during Middle Adulthood. First I will describe cognitive and physical factors that contribute to depression during Middle Adulthood. Secondly, I will present social and personality factors that can influence experiences of depression during the ages of 40 - 60 years. Next. I will then provide details of two health promotion strategies that atomic number 18 applicable to depression during this developmental period. Finally, my remainder will synthesise the main points of this document and make recommendations for future research.The biopsychosocial model of Engles (1977) incorporates biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors into a theory of well-being, viewing each of these factors as inter-related and inter-dependant in their influences of health or dysfunction (Bee, Boyd, & Johnson, 2006). In regards to the development across the lifespan, the biopsychosocial model provides a comprehensive account of how the physical body, cognition and personality, and social aspects of a persons life are affected by growth and change. According to Lehman (1953), those in their 40s - 60s have passed their cognitive peak, and are likely to find that their most productive work occurred forwards this time (Bee, Boyd, & Johnson, 2006). However, the 1991 research of Simonton provides hope for the older generation, in that he contested Lehmans earlier findings, attesting that periods of creativity can occur at anytime during the lifespan. Although fluid intelligence such as the ability to reason abstractly may begin to decline during this period, research shows that crystallised intelligence, the ability to acquire new information and verbal skills continues to increase. activeness theory emphasises the importance for older persons to maintain an active lifestyle, both mentally and physically, to encourage health and well-being. Activity also provides opportunities to socialise with others, whether through a interpret group, a game of cards or tennis, or a walking group. It is important for the middle-aged to remain creative and productive as research has indicated that maintaining mental activity may lower my risk of Alzheimers disease (AD) (Bee, Boyd, & Johnson, 2006). The disease occurs because of soft tissue changes in the brain, which changes cognitive patterns. The disease has been link ed to depression, as AD is very much progressive the individual experiencing it slowly loses their autonomy, and many times, their basic social skills of functional inter-communication. Additionally, other primary aging factors such as sleeping difficulties, fatigue, loss

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